Creativity in action

When we analyze a painting, it is possible to feel everything that composes it, from the choice of colors, the shapes, the elements, the characters and especially the focus that will be the path for the viewer. All this is done by the artist, in this case the painter, who decides whether one or another color should be used or discarded, techniques, and much more, taking the composition of the art and let it ready to be appreciated. 

In the case of games, this same work and care exists, and in most places it is called Creative Direction, a person responsible for shaping the game, limiting and creating what it is, whether in mixing, composing or even adding personality to its elements, everything that happens comes by definition from this direction or is implemented by it. 

In our game, the creative direction is carried out by Ohanna Martins Pagani, a dedicated professional in the passion for games and with a lot of expression that she wants to share. Like many other professionals, she understands that the main point is to establish the project's focus and understand its limitations. 

In the game Espada, we have several elements that will serve as a focus for the spectator (player), some are temporary, others appear more, but hope is the main thing. And the limitations are many too, but instead of seeing them as something bad, we should understand them, as they will help the project to fit, in addition to making creativity much easier, since for us humans, it is much easier to solve problems than to create something on a blank sheet. 

Something fun and interesting about our limitations is the option placed by the creative director that all playable characters be women, using her experience, which always chooses to play/work with female protagonists. An opportunity to demonstrate diversity in the female world and its importance in games. 

The limitations that help in the creative process and direction are not only represented in characters, but also in the case of our game, the use of simplified language is a limiter, determined by a matter of accessibility, but which allowed us to see several interesting things, such as adding a narration and making it even easier for players to access. Because of this limitation, many ideas emerged, were analyzed, and the best ones will be implemented. 

Directing creativity in a multi-art project as a game is not only about dealing with ideas and creation, but also about assisting the other team members, understanding their personal limits, and understanding the resources available to apply to production. Again, the limits are everywhere, and the resulting creativity is what draws the most attention in this process, dealing with difficulties and creating something that will be fun and perhaps memorable for the player.  

Finally, player feedback is extremely important for development, with the communication channels we have today it is possible to monitor and analyze what players report about the project and thus use this information and work together with what is determined and limited, seeking to create and further improve the idea of the game. 

We hope that the Espada game will please several players, not only veterans but also new ones who want to start their adventures in the world of gaming. 

A journey begins

jornada se inicia

Welcome to the development blog of the Espada project, I believe I can call it now the Espada game.  

We are extremely happy to achieve this victory, there were many no's, challenges and anguish to get the project out of the drawer, and now we can say that the journey will continue, we started production on December 20, 2024. 

We are very grateful to God, Jesus, our family and friends who supported us, and also to the cultural program PNAB, City Hall and Department of Culture of São José do Rio Preto, in providing the resources to allow our dream to happen. 

The Espada game talks about hope in difficult times, delivering in an engaging narrative the importance of never giving up and putting into practice actions that make it possible to walk, resist difficult fights and seek victory. In a mix of tactical RPG with roguelike elements, you will learn the story of the character Espada, who must find her way out of a land called the Buraco: a place marked by stagnation where many get lost and few meet. 

She is not alone, during the adventure Espada will meet people with different dreams, but who together fight to face and overcome difficulties. Something interesting about the game is how it is inspired by real people and situations, we know that living is not easy and full of challenges, but that it is possible to believe, help and receive help, and overcome even the most difficult levels.  

We invite you to be part of this journey by following our development blog. There's still a lot we want to present about the game, the production, ideas, reasons, tips and share our experience. 

See you soon and remember: Have hope and fight for your dreams!